Training and Education are developed and delivered by certified experts with real-world expertise.
At Trinity Protection Group, we offer customized training that will be suitable for your environment and actual needs. We have heard the horror stories of teachers getting blasted point blank with training weapons, when they had no desire to train as tactical units. On the other side, we have witnessed advanced tactical or defensive training being instructed by unqualified individuals. The techniques and methods sound good in presentation, but would not be safe or smart in real-world scenarios.


    Human resources departments are the conduits for funneling proper information to employees. Working with HR departments, we have developed the following:

  • Pre-Employment Screening Provide the tools and information on how to get proper background checks and assessments on employees.
  • Premise Security Learn how to properly monitor your properties with surveillance, check points and controlled traffic. Learn what lock down procedures should be in place and how to implement. Trinity Protection Group can also make sure your policies and procedures are compliant with corporate or legal guidelines.


  • Defensive Techniques hands-on training and exercises in: hand-to-hand combat, defensive edge weapons, self-defense.
  • Firearms Safety certified non-shooting course teaching the proper way of handling, storing or securing a variety of firearms.
  • Defensive Handgun certified firearm course for those looking to carry handgun for personal protection. Classroom and range time.

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